The White Desert of Brazil

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Usually, deserts are barren, arid wastelands field with sand, all kinds of lizardy creatures and a minimum amount of water – basically, death traps. Brazil’s Lençóis Maranhenses National Park may very well be the world’s most harmless desert, and if not, it’s the most stunning one for sure.

Spanning a mere 1000 square kilometers, the white desert as it’s popularily referenced is a veritable paradise, and also host to a slew of natural anomalies. Here, it always rains, especially at the beginning of the year since it lays right outside the Amazon basin, however despite this there is very little vegetation to be found.

One of its most stunning views is that of the lagoons, which form between sand dunes during the rain as the water is collected. These lagoons turn to blue and green colors depending on the observing angle, literally lighten the desert up like jewels. Their fullest is reached between July and September.

What’s maybe even more strange is that in these lagoons fish can be found, which the neighboring inhabitants actually catch and eat. The fish appear due to their eggs being brought by sea birds.

The Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is currently under protected status by the Brazilian government, and vehicles are banned from circulating through the desert – entrance to the park is made exclusively by 4-wheel drive trucks.

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil

The White Desert of Brazil


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