Amazing sex facts
sex in car
The car is the second to the room like a favorite place for sex
24. Outside the room, the most common place for adults in the U.S. for sex is car.c
25. The average couple spends about 20 minutes participating in the preliminaries before sexual intercourse.e
26. Worldwide, sexually active adults report having sex an average of 103 times a year. This number has been reduced from an average of 127 times a year in 2003.d
27. One report states that 48% of women have faked an orgasm at least once in their life. Interestingly, an identical 48% of men also report to fake an orgasm at least once.d
28. Worldwide, approximately 25% of the population report having had only one sexual partner. By contrast, 21% of people report having more than 10 sexual partners lifetime.d
29. One survey reports that 53% of Americans are sexually active report having sex at least once a week. However, only 48% of Americans say they are satisfied with their sex life.c
30. Many of the ingredients in chocolate has been shown to cause arousal similar in effect to love play. In fact, some experts believe that chocolate can be even more effective than previous games for sexual arousal.
When some women and men are sexually aroused, have what we call a sex flush, or a glow of sex, where the skin turns red or pink. It is caused by the flow of blood to the skin surface and passes around 50 to 75 percent of women and 25 per cent of men. A warmer weather and clearer skin without doubt make a sex flush more evident.

When a woman has sex, color, pink spots appear on her stomach and may spread to the breasts, trunk, face, hands, feet, and even all the way up the sides of his lady. For men, begins in the womb of superior color and moves up into the chest of his face, shoulders, arms and back.
The skin color is nothing to worry about and usually goes away after orgasm, but can sometimes take a couple of hours. In fact, a darker color of sex can be a good indication that you or your partner is about to have an orgasm outstanding, so a sex flush is definitely a good thing!

2. On average, adult men think about sex every seven seconds.e
3. Having sex at least once a week can reduce a man's risk of heart disease by 30%, stroke by 50% and diabetes by 40%. Also been shown that men with sexually active are more likely to live beyond 80 years.f
4. The average size of an erect penis measures 5 to 6 inches, while the average size of a flaccid penis is 3.5 inches.e
5. The sperm count of average American male in 2008 was reduced by almost 30% of the sperm count of average American male 30 years ago.h
Viagra was launched in 1998 with over $ 411 million in profits within its first three months
6. Viagra, the famous blue pill designed to help with erectile dysfunction, made $ 411 million in profits within the first three months of its launch in 1998 before going on to earn $ 1.8 billion in 2003.g
7. Condom use was first published in the literature in the early 1500s. The device was originally made of linen, and historians believe the legendary lover Casanova used clothing condoms.a
8. Historical records show that even in 1850 BC C., the woman tried to practice birth control. The most common method was a mixture of crocodile dung and honey, placed in the vagina with the hope of preventing pregnancy.a
9. Although almost any body part or item of clothing can be an object of sexual fetishism, the shoe and foot fetishes are the two most common in Western society.e
10. A decade ago, only 25% of women reported having experienced orgasm as a result of sex. In recent years this number has increased to around 45%. In contrast, over 80% of women reported having experienced orgasm while oral
11. The vibrator, a sex toy common for women, was originally designed in the nineteenth century as a medicine for anxiety related to the symptoms of "hysteria" (now known as menstruation). A
12. Homosexuality was classified as a mental illness with the American Psychiatric Association (APA) until 1973. Since then she has retired and is now considered by the EPA guidance rather than a illness.h
13. Throughout the United States, approximately 4% of the population identifies itself as gay, lesbian or bisexual.h
14. Approximately 1% of people worldwide identify themselves as asexual (having no strong sexual attraction to both sexes). B
office romance
One in five Americans has been a sexual relationship with a coworker
15. Statistics suggest that about one in five Americans has enjoyed sex with a colleague in work.e
16. Approximately 70% of people in the U.S. admits fantasizing about group sex at some point in their lives, and over 50% of people who actually follow through.e
17. Nearly one in four Americans (65 million people) currently living with an incurable sexually transmitted disease (STD). I
18. During 2007, more than 2.5 million people worldwide became infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. With these new cases, there are currently 33 million people living with AIDS around the world.I
19. Since AIDS was first diagnosed in 1981, more than 25 million people have died of the virus. Two million people died of AIDS in 2007 alone.i
20. The average male produces several million sperm a day. By contrast, a woman born with a finite number of eggs and produce only through its lifetime.f
21. Statistics show that approximately 90% of men and 65% of women masturbate occasionally time.e
22. Worldwide, 27.5% of women said they felt pressured to have sex for the first time, compared to 15% of men reporting the same feelings.c
23. According to a 2007 survey in the world of sex, the average age when people start their sexual life is 19.25. The survey also found that people in Asian countries tend to lose their virginity to a much older age (average 22) than in Western cultures (average 18). C
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