Awesome and Huge jellyfish Nomura sank the Japanese fishing ship
Nomura’s jellyfish is a very large Japanese jellyfish. It is in the same size class as the lion’s mane jellyfish, the largest cnidarian in the world. The diameter of these jellyfish is slightly greater than the height of an average fully grown man.
It grows 2 meters (6 feet 7 inches) in diameter and weighing up to 220 kg (about 450 pounds), Nomura’s jellyfish live principally in the waters between China and Japan, mainly in the central Yellow Sea and East China Sea

Japanese fishing trawler sunk by giant jellyfish, A 10-ton fishing boat has been sunk by gigantic jellyfish off eastern Japan. Trawler, Diasan Shinsho-Maru, was killed off Chiba “the three-person crew and tried to trip a net containing dozens of huge Nomura’s jellyfish.

The crew of the fishing vessel were thrown into the sea when the ship crashed, three men were rescued but another trawler the Mainichi newspaper. The local Coast Guard office announced that the weather was clear and the sea was calm about the accident.

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