Alike But Not The Same

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1. Frogs vs Toads

There is something that separates the frog with a frog. If you see this picture, you might assume that the frog is a species of frog that injected steroids. Though both are a different animal family. Yes, different.

How to distinguish between frogs and toads? According to the science of frogs that are here. The frog comes from many families, slender, thin-skinned and moist, and have a far leap for the long hind legs. While frogs come from families Bufonidae, stocky, thick-skinned and dried, and the short rear legs.

Why are frogs and toads amphibians belong? Because they live in water and on land. Why are frogs can jump far? Because of the long and strong hind legs.

2. Emperor vs King

This one is a bit difficult. If I am not mistaken, King lead a nation, while the emperor to lead a nation. Region led by the king called the kingdom, while leading the imperial emperor.

There are stories that deserve to be examples of the Gospel. King Herod was king of Judea, Judea itself is a kingdom that existed under the Roman Empire, at the time was led by the Emperor Augustus. Judea is a kingdom for one nation, while it is the Roman empire which controls many of the nation, and kingdom, including Judea.

Another example is the United Kingdom, including Great Britain and Northern Ireland, also have the term British Empire. British Empire did not cover the difference between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, but also the British colonies, like India, and Canada.

3. Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist

Psychologists are psychologists. Confide in someone serving their duties and psychological consulting. Meanwhile, the psychiatrist is a doctor. So it can also be referred to psychiatrists psychiatric doctors. So, psychiatrists have the right to prescribe, such as anti-depressants, while psychologists are not.

Another difference? psychologists psychology graduates. While psychiatrists graduate from medical school. If you are forced to a psychologist maybe you need to vent, while if you are forced to shrink so you may need psychiatric treatment.

4. Santa vs Santa Claus

Santa Claus is a person who lives at the North Pole. While Santa Claus is a Dutch fairy tale character who is told to stay in a castle in Spain. Both give gifts to good children. Santa Claus wants us to leave the cake for him with a gift exchange. While Santa Claus? We are required to put the grass in a shoe, as I did before, for his horse. Well, the grass will be exchanged Christmas gifts.

Sometimes, the issue of punishment for naughty children, Santa Claus would swap a cake with coke. While Santa Claus, he'll have to enter the black Piet naughty in the sack.

5. Monasteries vs Pagoda

Monasteries are places of worship while the Pagoda is a Buddhist house of worship the people of three responsibilities. Three responsibilities is the union of Buddha, Confucius, and Taoism. Places of worship Confucius particular congregation is called the Lithang. So, if you look at places of worship are all festive red, chances are it belongs to the people of three responsibilities.


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