What was going through your mind when asked predatory fish ..? Shark. You are not wrong, shark icons aquatic creatures are so vicious and dangerous, not only for other mammals but also for humans. But in the deep sea and other waters are still there who creatures who swim and tunas are not only vicious and dangerous, but also had the look of a bad and scary. this is
10 Most Frightening Fish in the World 10amazing.blogspot.com version :
(1) Piranha Fish
Although this fish is raised in many horror movies, but in the real world this fish really was fierce and frightening. Rows of sharp teeth arranged a meeting and connected with each other. The teeth perfectly designed to puncture and tearing flesh quickly where the fish are considered to have a voracious appetite. If you're hungry and there is no other choice, this fish is also aggressive towards its own kind and do cannibalism.
Although piranhas hunt prey to the ruthless and highly organized, in particular when these fish also eat plants like grass. The study also states that the behavior of these fish form a large group as a defense against predators such as crocodiles and river dolphins, as well as a strategy for prey. Although just a fish, you might look more suited to fine dining at dinner than vice versa. You will not really nyemplung in the waters of the Amazon with bare feet to invite the meat shredder. You may be used to give food to animals, but this one will invade and tear without waiting for a second invitation.
(2) Angler Fish
Fish is also no less frightening, Anglerfish roam the ocean depths. Hiding away in the depths of the ocean, the fish was named Anglerfish, because of the way with a unique way of capturing prey by using its body parts protruding from his head and similar to the fishing hook. Miraculously, this fish is capable of issuing Bioluminescent light that comes from millions of luminous bacteria who stuck in there. This is quite attractive prey for approaching and so touching "bait" fish Anglefish, will immediately react quickly eat it.
Big mouth ready to pounce on its prey, jaw length and milled into the lead, will make it easy to enter a prey to the stomach at once closed the road out of his mouth. Predators like a machine, capable of raising the jaw and stomach so that prey larger than themselves who can enter into it. This sea of ghosts, can be found at depths of 3300 to 6600 ft below sea level. Anglefish length could reach 2 ft.
(3) Moray Eel
This eels can be found all over the world, slipping in the crevices or cracks in the rock, where he waited for his prey over and ambushed him with a strong jaw. This is scary carnivores feed on marine animals although it can also cause injury to humans who get too close. It appears that eels can reach a length of 13 ft this, preferring to escape rather than attack and only attack humans to defend themselves. When you feel disturbed, these creatures can become malignant and terdpt bacteria on the teeth can cause serious injury. In some species, the mucus in the skin also contain toxins.
Another characteristic of Moray : The existence of the second jaw in his throat which also have teeth. When hunting and catching prey, these fish will be released this jaw in his mouth, crushing his prey and pulled into the digestion.
(4) Tiger Fish
Tiger fish, are very appropriate to its name, these fish have teeth in the mouth is perfect. highly malignant and is known as a very voracious predator, this fish can reach 6 ft in length. His body is like made for speed and power. As the armored vehicles with powerful fins, and always ready to pounce, even though his mouth shut. This fish even as frequently as the game (game) to find fish with great prizes.
Several species in the genus Hydrocynus of the family Alestiidae are called "tigerfish" and are particularly prized as gamefish. These African fish are found in many rivers and lakes on the continent and are fierce predators with distinctive protruding teeth.
The two most common species are probably most recognizable in Southern Africa. The first is the Goliath Tiger (Hydrocynus goliath), which is found in the Congo River system, the largest of the family. The second-largest, and the southernmost species, is the Tigerfish (Hydrocynus vittatus), commonly found in the Zambezi River and in the two biggest lakes along the Zambezi, Lake Kariba in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Cabora Bassa in Mozambique and Jozini dam in South Africa.
(5) Snakehead Fish
Snakeheads (Channidae) are a family of freshwater fish native to Africa and Asia. These predatory fish are distinguished by a long dorsal fin, large mouth and shiny teeth. They have a physiological need to breathe atmospheric air, which they do with a suprabranchial organ: a primitive form of a labyrinth organ. There are two extant genera, Channa in Asia, and Parachanna in Africa, consisting of 30-35 species.
Snakehead fish is said to have been around 50 million years pestle. Fish can also be evidence of an evolutionary adaptation in life, using a lung and breathing the air in the atmosphere. This ugly fish could survive in wet soil during a long season, crawled next to the pond or lake to search for prey by using the body and fins.
(6) Viperfish
A viperfish is a deepwater fish in the genus Chauliodus, with long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws. They grow to lengths of 30 to 60 cm (12 - 24 inches). Viperfish stay near lower depths ( 250–5000 feet) in the daytime and shallow at night. Viperfish mainly stay in tropical and temperate waters. It is one of the fiercest predators in the very deep part of the sea and is believed to attack its prey by luring the victim close to itself with a light producing organ. This organ is called a photophore and is located on the end of its dorsal spine. It flashes this natural light on and off while at the same time moving the dorsal spine around like a fishing rod and hanging completely still in the water, and also uses the voluntary natural light producing organ to communicate to its potential mates and rivals.
Viperfish vary in color between green, silver and black. It uses its fang-like teeth to immobilize its prey, and would not be able to close its mouth because of their length if it were not able to curve them behind its head. The first vertebra behind the head of the viperfish is known to absorb the shock of its attacks, which are mainly targeted against dragonfish and other small creatures. They are able to undergo long periods with scarce or no food.
Viperfish are believed to live up to 30 years but in captivity rarely live more than a few hours. Some species of dolphins and sharks are known to prey upon viperfish. Scientists believe that a viperfish can swim at a speed of two body lengths per second but that is not yet the official speed.
(7) Fangtooth Fish
Fangtooths are ferocious-looking deep-sea beryciform fish of the family Anoplogastridae (sometimes spelled "Anoplogasteridae"). With a circumglobal distribution in tropical and cold-temperate waters, the family contains only two very similar species, in one genus, with no known close relatives: the common fangtooth, Anoplogaster cornuta, found worldwide; and the shorthorned fangtooth, Anoplogaster brachycera, found in the tropical waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.
(8) Black Dragon Fish
The black dragonfish is part of the Malacosteid family. This fish has bioluminescent capabilities. The black dragonfish, unlike almost all the other bioluminescent organisms in the ocean, can glow and perceive a red or blue-green light. Most other marine organisms glow blue because that wavelength of light transmits furthest underwater and most marine organisms lack the pigments which can absorb longer or shorter wavelengths of light and are sensitive only to blue light.
The light of the black dragonfish can be such long wavelengths that it is nearly infrared and barely visible to the human eye. The ability to produce this type of light gives the black dragonfish an enormous advantage over its prey. This fish can shine a light to avoid predators or search for prey that does not alert the prey or the predator to the presence of the fish since they cannot see the light of the black dragonfish. This fish lives 1500 meters below the surface. The Viperfish is its cousin.
(9) Gulper Eel
The gulper eel, known scientifically as Eurypharynx pelecanoides, is one of the most bizarre looking creatures in the deep sea. Its most notable attribute is the large mouth. This enormous mouth is much larger than the eel's body. The mouth is loosely hinged, and can be opened wide enough to swallow an animal much larger than itself. The hapless fish is then deposited into a pouch-like lower jaw, which resembles that of a pelican. In fact, this eel issometimes referred to as the pelican eel. The gulper's stomach can also stretch to accommodate its large meals.
Because of the extreme depths at which it lives, most of what we know about the gulper eel comes from specimens that are inadvertently caught in deep sea fishing nets. The gulper eel is found in all of the world's tropical and temperate oceans at depths ranging from 500 to 6,000 feet (about 150 to 1,800 meters).
(10) Conger Eel
This strange eel, the magnitude can reach a length of 10 ft. These eels are fish sodaranya Moray, although not having a lot of tricks seem unique, but their large size makes it into the category of wild fish. American Conger, or sea eel, also known in the game looking for fish. If you are dealing with thick-headed beast, mouth wide, and strongly toothed which could have caused harm, better not have to go near him, unless it has been served on the table. : D
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