10 Most Unique Frog In the World

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Today, scientists know almost 5000 species of frogs in the earth. Frogs belong to a large order of amphibians - tailless. Distributed tailless almost everywhere, but they are particularly numerous in tropical forests. Some species of frogs live only on land, some - live in water, some - and in the water and on land, but there are those who are arboreal lifestyle. Here you can see frogs are very amazing and unique.

10. This horned frog can grow up to 15 cm in length, she lives in Uruguay, Brazil, as well as in northern Argentina.

9. Mantell. This is a small frog, reaching a length of up to 2,5 cm, she inhabits in Madagascar.

8. Theloderma corticale, or Vietnamese marsh frog. It can be found in Vietnam and possibly China. Usually inhabits the tropical and subtropical rain forests, intermittent freshwater marshes, and rocky areas. Frog is also often referred to as moss from the fact that her skin like moss growing on the rock, which, incidentally, gives it excellent camouflage.

7. Frog-Goliath - the largest surviving species toads on Earth. Its size reaches 33 cm in length from snout to the cloaca, it weighs up to 3 kg. This species lives mainly in western Africa, near Gabon. Frog, Goliath can live to 15 years. They eat scorpions, insects and small frogs. These frogs have a good ear, but do not have the voice of the resonator.

6. Coloring Poison dart frog, as, for example, the blue subspecies - the common name of a family of frogs Poison dart frog, which inhabits Central and South America. Unlike most frogs, this species is active day and almost always has a bright body. Many subspecies are in danger of extinction. American Indians used their poison for their arrows and darts.

5. The world's smallest frog lives in the Andes of southern Peru at an altitude of 3025-3190 meters above sea level.

4. Northern leopard frog is considered an unusual species, reaching a length of up to 9 cm on her back Colors range from brown to dark green, and round spots highlighted white line.

3. Harlequin frog - known by many names, such as a frog or a toad-clown-harlequin Costa Rica. As if you do not call it neo-tropical frogs, which was formerly a fairly common species in Costa Rica and Panama. Now this species listed as endangered, frogs of this species live today primarily in Panama.

2. Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum - also known as glass or transparent frog due to its transparent skin, through which you can see its insides. Unfortunately, this is an endangered species of amphibians.

1. Rainbow Frog - an object of worship in India. Hundreds of people flock every day to the house of Reggie Kumar in India, to pray and ask for miracles. Frog shimmered white when Reggie from Tiruvanantapurama, the capital of Kerala in southern India, first saw her. Then she lit up in yellow, then gray. Frog, constantly changing color, is considered a god in India.


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